Tyrenet Managing Director Mike Riley Announces Retirement After 57 Years in the Tyre Industry

Managing Director Mike Riley, who has been the driving force behind Tyrenet for the past two decades, has announced his retirement, after 57 years in the tyre industry.

Mike Riley's exceptional journey has been marked by innovation, leadership, and a commitment to excellence. As Tyrenet bids farewell to its esteemed leader, we celebrate his illustrious career and look forward to the promising future of the company under new leadership.

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Published on
June 20, 2023

A Legacy of Achievement:

Mike Riley's journey in the tyre industry began in 1966 as a Field Service Engineer at Dunlop. Over the next eleven years, he honed his skills and expertise, laying the foundation for a remarkable career. In 1977, he made a pivotal move to ATS, where he excelled as an Area Sales Manager. However, it was in 1985 that he embarked on an entrepreneurial venture and founded his first successful business, Tyresave. Building upon this early triumph, Mike ventured further into the industry and established Tyrenet, which has grown to become the UK's leading tyre management and repair specialist network since 2004.

Leadership and Innovation:

Under Mike Riley's guidance, Tyrenet has consistently set the benchmark for excellence in the industry. His visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to quality have propelled the company to new heights. In addition to Tyrenet's remarkable success, Mike also co-founded the Tyre European Network (TEN) in 2007. TEN, the first pan-European independent tyre dealer network, has united 14 countries and more than 3,600 service centres, revolutionising the way the industry operates on a global scale.

A Smooth Transition and a Promising Future:

As Mike Riley embarks on a well-deserved retirement, the future of Tyrenet remains bright and promising. Acknowledging his confidence in the company's continued success, Mike will assume the role of Chairman, shifting his focus to strategic oversight and influencing future growth.

Assuring a seamless transition, Aaron Mikoleizik, Tyrenet's current Finance and Operations Director, will assume the responsibilities of Managing Director. Aaron's extensive experience as a Director of Tyrenet since early 2009 ensures a steady hand at the helm, maintaining the highest standards of service and commitment to customer satisfaction.

Continuing the Tradition of Excellence:

Tyrenet's core philosophy of delivering exceptional service and quality to its customers will remain unchanged. With Aaron Mikoleizik leading the charge, the company is poised to build upon the legacy established by Mike Riley. Tyrenet's dedicated team, well-versed in the values and principles that have propelled the company forward, will continue to uphold the highest standards in the industry.

“As a teenager checking tyres on customers trucks, I could never have imagined that five decades later I would have created and been at the head of a network of independent tyre dealerships, linking fleets and dealers and providing business solutions and value – I feel so proud and yet so humble in equal measures.
Proud, because I was driven by a passion for something greater than myself. Humble, because others shared the same vision and shared their ideas and business, and especially work colleagues who have given so much to me and our customers.
And as I move to another chapter in my life, that pride and humility is the thread that runs through the business network Tyrenet that many helped create and develop.
Tyrenet has and continues to drive innovation and positive change in our fast-moving businesses, and keeping vehicles moving as at the heart of everything we do.
So, as I take a back seat in life and business, I am proud, humble and confident that the drive for excellence that created Tyrenet will continue and endure, providing more businesses with the best in class solution to vehicle mobility”
Mike Riley

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