Retyre Revolutionises Tyre Recycling with Portable Water Jetting Technology

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November 23, 2023

Retyre, an emerging player in the tyre recycling industry, is introducing a revolutionary approach to material recovery with their compact, efficient, and portable water jetting technology. This innovative process, housed within a 20ft container, distinguishes Retyre from existing market players. The company's pre-production unit, effectively produces an 'activated rubber' named ActivR™ and cleanly separates steel, with textile removal occurring during the classification process.

Ken Jones, Retyre’s Managing Director, reports significant interest from top tyre manufacturers, with numerous potential orders from regional recyclers and tyre manufacturers exploring how Retyre’s business model could integrate into their plans. This model, however, diverges from conventional practices. Instead of selling the technology, Retyre aims to maintain ownership, offering installation licenses to recyclers. The company will then oversee the sales of the end product, particularly to tyre manufacturers.

Shravan Bansal, Company Chairman, emphasises Retyre's commitment to managing the installations and sales of the end product while retaining technology ownership. Retyre declined an outright purchase offer for their technology, focusing instead on providing a global tyre recycling solution. Their model is designed to be accessible and cost-effective, requiring only two staff to operate, thus opening up opportunities for various stakeholders in the tyre recycling industry.

The technology, developed in collaboration with major industry names including Bosch Rexroth and Siemens, has the potential to significantly impact the recycling sector. It allows for the adjustable output of activated rubber, catering to specific market needs. Bansal envisions a future where this technology enables local tyre recycling, reducing the need for exporting waste tyres and offering lucrative returns for operators.

Retyre's disruptive approach, championed by Jones who has a longstanding commitment to recycling, represents a potential paradigm shift in tyre recycling, especially in OECD markets. The company's strategy of managing technology and product sales could redefine the industry's economics and environmental impact, positioning Retyre as a key innovator in sustainable recycling practices.

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