TyreSafe Supports Department For Transport’s Investment In Resurfacing Spending

The Department for Transport (DfT) has announced the allocation of £8.3 billion in reallocated High Speed 2 (HS2) funding for a nationwide programme of pothole repairs and road resurfacing projects. TyreSafe, a key partner in the Pothole Partnership, stands in full support of this initiative aimed at enhancing road safety with its clear benefits in reducing the risks of tyre damage and blowouts.

The announcement comes as welcome news for road users, particularly in regions identified by the TyreSafe Tread Depth Survey 2023 as having a high incidence of driving on low tread. The North West and South West were among the worst offending regions, putting residents and motorists at greater risk of tyre-related incidents. The new scheme funded by HS2 presents part of a solution to these longstanding challenges.

TyreSafe Supports Department For Transport’s Investment In Resurfacing Spending
April 17, 2024