Hankook Tire Secures Top Honours at Red Dot Design Awards with Revolutionary e-Bus Tyre

Hankook Tire & Technology, has once again affirmed its reputation for outstanding design by clinching the "Winner" title in the Product Design category at the 2024 Red Dot Design Award. This prestigious accolade was announced during the international design competition held by Germany’s International Forum in Hannover.

The Red Dot Award, a globally recognised platform, adjudicates entries across various domains including Product Design, Brands & Communication Design, and Design Concept. The awards evaluate numerous aspects of industrial products, such as design aesthetics, functionality, quality, and environmental consideration.

This year, the spotlight was on Hankook Tire’s latest innovation, the “e-SMART City AU56,” a tyre specifically engineered for electric buses. Scheduled for a global release by year-end, this tyre is anticipated to enhance Hankook Tire’s standing in the electric vehicle tyre segment considerably.

The e-SMART City AU56 incorporates advanced materials and state-of-the-art technology to boost the performance attributes required for electric buses. It features a tyre tread block technology that not only improves grip but also extends the tyre’s lifespan, significantly surpassing the durability of conventional bus tyres.

Hankook Tire Secures Top Honours at Red Dot Design Awards with Revolutionary e-Bus Tyre
May 13, 2024
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