The Shortis Group, known for its independent chains of family-owned motorist stores, has strengthened its long-standing relationship with Supertracker. This move sees the replacement of many existing Supertracker laser wheel alignment systems with the state-of-the-art computerised 6-sensor wheel alignment systems from Supertracker. The upgrade spans across their Wilco Motosave Centres in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, and Fast-Fit centres in East Anglia.
For years, Wilco Motosave and Fast-Fit have relied on Supertracker wheel alignment systems throughout their network. The simplicity and reliability of these systems have consistently instilled confidence among their technicians. As the group sought to modernise its technology, Supertracker was the natural choice.
The new Supertracker STR130RW 6-sensor wheel alignment system meets all the requirements of Wilco Motosave and Fast-Fit, offering reliability and ease of use. Assembled in the UK, these systems promise short lead times and competitive pricing, backed by a national aftercare service team. This upgrade underscores the commitment to efficiency and quality service.
The six-sensor computerised wheel aligner from Supertracker boasts an extensive vehicle database, complete customer history recall, and visual printouts for before and after readings. It features user-friendly software with adjustment help screens and step-by-step guides, ensuring precise alignment checks.
Supertracker, a product of Straightset, is installed by highly trained engineers, ensuring an efficient installation process and thorough product demonstrations. The dedicated aftercare support ensures that customers remain operational, enhancing efficiencies and safety benefits, which in turn boosts customer satisfaction.
Julia Blake, Director at Supertracker, expressed her enthusiasm about the collaboration, stating, “We are delighted to be appointed to work with Wilco Motosave and Fast-Fit across their group of sites. This is an exciting collaboration which demonstrates the strength of a long-standing relationship between Supertracker and the Shortis Group.”
The introduction of the latest computerised systems is poised to enhance service efficiency, safety, and overall customer satisfaction, marking a significant milestone in the group's journey of service excellence.